Dangerous Driving Distractions and How to Avoid Them

It is illegal to use a cell phone while driving in the majority of the states and do you know why? Yes, it’s because it’s dangerous. Cell phones are a dangerous distraction which can be detected at the root of many collisions on the highway. Of course there are other distractions which a driver must also face, but taking a few precautions before setting off on a journey can help to reduce the impact of these possibilities resulting in a calm, safe and fully focused drive.


Here are a few easy steps which every driver can take to help keep the distractions at bay:
• Switch off your cell phone before you climb into the car. There, that was easy wasn’t it? If you’re not allowed to use it and it is a dangerous distraction just switch it off.
• Record a voice mail message to tell callers that you are driving but you will be sure to return their call as soon as you are free – you see, it’s not rocket science is it?
• If you do need to make an important telephone call then find somewhere safe to pull off by the side of the road first. There are usually plenty of safe places available if you just take the time to look.


• If you have a passenger in the car with you and you can’t find somewhere safe to pull off simply ask them to make the call on your behalf.
• Never, ever, ever write text messages, check your emails or surf the web whilst driving. It doesn’t matter if you’re on a long, straight road which you know like the back of your hand and there are no other vehicles in sight, things happen fast when you’re driving and you must always give your full attention to the road and the motor.
• Make sure that you know the laws for the state you are driving in. You will probably be fully aware of the laws for your own state but if you are going on a long road trip you could pass through a number of states with different laws.
• Know where you are headed before you set off. Program your destination into the GPS, check out directions, take a look at the map – if you are going somewhere which is not familiar to you then familiarize yourself with landmarks before you set off on your journey.
• Secure all pets firmly into position before you set off. Traveling with loose animals in the car is not only a dangerous distraction for you but could also be extremely dangerous for them in case of an accident.
• Don’t get into any heated exchanges with your fellow passengers. When you are driving it is not the right time or the right place to start falling out with people or getting into heated conversations. Save those for when you arrive at your destination.


• Don’t do anything which may take your eyes or your mind off the road ahead. We’ve covered the cell phone usage but other things include eating, drinking, applying make-up, reading (yes, really) and many other things.
There are very many distractions which can contribute to collisions and accidents on the road – distractions while driving are dangerous for you, for your passengers and for any other road users who are unlucky enough to cross your path.
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